Personal Details

Permanent Address

Present Address

   Same as Permanent address

Family Detail

Relation Name Age Education Occupation

Academic Qualification (Fill in chronological order)

Classorder Class/Course/Certifications Subjects School/Institute Board/University Passing Year Duration Mode Of Study CGPA/% Division Division

Details of professional training programs (MDPS/FDPS/WORKSHOPS ETC.)

Name of Program Duration From Date To Date Training Organization Subject/Area of Training

Employment Details (Fill In Chronological Order)

Employer Location From Date To Date Designation Employment Type Specialization Gross Salary

Present Job Responsibilities (in brief)

International Curriculum

(If yes, which subject and classes you have taught? Enter details in all fields and Click on Add button)

Name of Insititute Subjects Classes Taught From Date To Date

Conference/ Seminar Presenations & Workshops Attended(Last 3 Years)

Name/Title Place Type Year

Publications (Book / Paper / Any other)

Name of the Book/Article Publisher Whether you were the main author? No. of Co-authors (if applicable) Publication Year

Scholorships / Honours & Awards

Award National / International Date Organization Basis Of Selection

Languages Known

Language Writing Reading Speaking

Computer Proficiency (Theoretical & Practical)

Other Details

Additional Responsibillity

Additional Responsibillity

Extra Co-curricular Activities

(Mention Activities & Games you can demonstrate)

Name of Activity Activity Performance

Present Salary Details(Monthly in INR)

Association / Acquaintance with Yashmay Group

Any Major Illness / Physical Handicaps (if any, please give details)

Any Major Illness / Physical Handicaps (if any, please give details)

  • Medically Unfit ?
  • Asked to submit your resignation?
  • Discharged or dismissed from Service?

(if yes, please provide details)

Professional Refrences

3 References with whom the candidate has worked including one from the last Organization/Institute Served excluding Friends/Relatives

Name Current Position Organization Phone No Mobile No Email Id

Job Reference

Declaration by the Applicant

I certify that the information presented in this Employment Application Form and details in annexure annexed with the Application Form are complete and honestly presented. I understand and agree that any inaccurate information, misleading information or omission will be cause for the rejection of any offer of employment or for disciplinary action or dismissal if discovered at a later date. I agree to honor YPS’s Code of Ethics in letter and spirit.
I understand that employment is based strictly on merit and declare that I will not violate the rules against canvassing directly or indirectly to seek employment with Yashmay World School and/or to seek any undue/special favors outside the framework of rules in force from time to time. I agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations covering the employment with Yashmay World School presently in force or as amended from time to time.
I shall act responsibly, interact honestly and respectfully with all others, respect the resources made available to me and be accountable for my actions.
I accept

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